Definition of 'Trend'
The general
direction of a market or of the price of an asset. Trends can vary in length
from short, to intermediate, to long term. If you can identify a trend, it can
be highly profitable, because you will be able to trade with the trend.
Investopedia explains 'Trend'
As a
general strategy, it is best to trade with trends, meaning that if the general
trend of the market is headed up, you should be very cautious about taking any
positions that rely on the trend going in the opposite direction.
A trend can
also apply to interest rates, yields, equities and any other market which is
characterized by a long-term movement in price or volume.
Simply put,
short-, intermediate- and long-term trends are the three kinds of trends that
we see each day in our study of technical analysis. "A trend is your
friend," is just one of the sayings that have come out of the study of
primary as well as secular trends. Given the understanding that the psychology
of the markets actually moves the markets, we can acknowledge that psychology
develops and ends the trends we are going to look at today.
how to identify the trend should be the first order of business for any student
of technical analysis. Most investors, once invested in an uptrend, will stay
there looking for any weakness in the ride up, which is the indicator needed to
jump off and take the profit
The Bottom Line
Markets are
made up of several different kinds of trends, and it is the recognition of
these trends that will largely determine the success or failure of your long
and short-term investing.
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