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Monday, December 3, 2012

The Administrative Trader

The next psychological profile in Van K. Tharp’s series on trader personality types is the Administrative Trader.

This trader type would suggest an individual who is realistic and practical, and who has the ability to be decisive which can make them a good trader.

Administrative Trader Qualities

In addition to the aforementioned qualities, the Administrative Trader has the ability to react and take action at the spur of the moment. This is also a very valuable asset and can help them excel in the world of trading.

Administrative Traders tend to gravitate towards the concrete and factual when making decisions.

They also generally make things run smoothly, with the desirable ability to delegate authority when dealing with other people and the characteristic of being able to get things done as efficiently as possible.

These traders also have superior organizational skills, which helps keep their trading efficient and based on clear trading guidelines that are in line with their trading plans. They also are known for maintaining good records of their trades.

Trading Strengths

Administrative Traders tend to have the ability to implement and execute trading plans with accuracy and precision.

To be effective and profitable when trading, an Administrative Trader would usually do best when executing an easy to follow trading plan that they feel confident about and can operate efficiently.    

Trading Challenges

Administrative Traders tend to concentrate excessively on the development of their trading system. They can therefore often get more caught up on the details of their plan rather than on implementing it promptly in a live trading environment.

Also, the attention that such traders can give to maintaining order in their trading environment may impede their maximization of profitability when trading.  

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