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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Create Your Own Trading System

Mechanical Trading Systems

Mechanical trading systems are systems that generates trade signals for a trader to take. They are called mechanical because a trader will take the trade regardless of what is happening in the markets.

In theory, this should eliminate all biases and emotions in your trading, because you are supposed to follow the rules of your system NO MATTER WHAT.

When developing your system, you want to achieve 2 very important goals:

  1. Your system should be able to identify trends as early as possible.
  2. Your system should be able to avoid you from whipsaws.

If you can accomplish those two goals with your trading system, you have a much better chance of being successful.

The hard part about those goals is that they contradict each other.

If you have a system who's primary goals is to catch trends early, then you will probably get faked out many times.

On the other hand, if you have a system that focuses on avoiding whipsaws, then you will be late on many trades and will also probably miss out on a lot of trades.

Your task, when developing your mechanical system, is to find a compromise between the two goals. Find a way to identify trends early, but also find ways that will help you distinguish the fake signals from the real ones

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